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Oral Sums

This tool calls out a variety of oral sums for children to practice. Children can choose type of sums and the speed.

Flash Cards

This tool shows flash cards for children to practice bead to number translation. Children can choose the type of numbers and the speed.


This is a calendar for parents to track their child's progress. They can see what activities are completed on each day and check the scores.


Parents can set upto 4 alarms everyday and choose which days and time they want their child to practice. The app will remind the child it's time to practice.

Purpose of the tool

This app aims to support students practicing abacus way of mental arithmetic. It improve their arithmetic performance doing mentaly with speed and accuracy, as they can now practice some of the exercises that they were only able to do in class, at home. This tool also makes the parent's job easier as children can do these activites without the parent's help. All parents need to do is set the times and days they would like their children to practice the activities.